Andean Emerald
Bellavista Lodge
Booted Racket Tail 2
Wild Sumaco, the East slope form with rufous booties
Booted Racket Tail
Buff Tailed Coronet
The dominant hummingbird at Bellavista
Buff Tailed Coronets
These hummers habitually chase off other species of hummingbird
Buff Winged Starfrontlet
Guango Lodge
Chestnut Breasted Coronet
The dominant hummingbird at Guango
Chestnut Breasted Coronet 2
Collared Inca
Common at Bellavista and Guango
Ecuadorian Hillstar
Found at 4100m altitude on Papallacta Pass
Violet Fronted Brilliant
Copalinga Lodge
Fawn Breasted Brilliant
Fork Tailed Wood Nymph
Wild Sumaco
Golden Tailed Sapphire
Wild Sumaco. Very common there and Copalinga
Long Tailed Sylph
Regular but uncommon at Guango feeders
Long Tailed Sylph 2
Violet Tailed Sylph
Casa de Luna, near Bellavista lodge
Many Spotted Hummingbird
Wild Sumaco
Purple Throated Woodstar 2
Common at Bellavista Lodge feeders
Purple Throated Woodstar
A Tiny hummingbird, almost insect like
White Bellied Woodstar
The common woodstar at Guango lodge feeders
Rufous Vented Whitetip
Wild Sumaco Lodge
Brown Violet Ear
Wild Sumaco
Sparkling Violetear
Common at both Wild Sumaco and Copalinga
Sparkling Violetear 2
The dominant hummingbird where it occurs
Sparkling Violetear 3
Wild Sumaco Lodge
Speckled Hummingbird
Bellavista Lodge
Speckled Hummingbird 2
Bellavista lodge
Sword Billed Hummingbird
Guango lodge, these hummingbirds visit the feeders regularly but never seem to stay long.
Gorgeted Sun Angel
Quite common at Bellavista Lodge.
Tourmaline Sunangel
Quite common at Guango Lodge
Tyrian Metaltail
A common small hummingbird at Guango lodge
Violet Headed Hummingbird
Copalinga lodge, common at verbena flowers here and Wild Sumaco
White Tipped Sicklebill
Copalinga lodge this hummer specialises on Heliconia flowers
Wire Crested Thorntail
Wild Sumaco Lodge
Wire Crested Thorntail 2
Copalinga Lodge, these hummingbirds fed mainly from the verbenas at this location.
Wire Crested Thorntail 3
At Wild Sumaco they feed at the feeders as well as the verbenas.
Wire Crested Thorntail 4
Wild Sumaco Lodge
WireC rested Thorntail 5
Wild Sumaco Lodge, Female
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